The board of directors of the Blytheville/Gosnell Area Chamber of Commerce has unanimously agreed to support the proposed 1/4-cent sales tax designed to provide funding for Blytheville's police and fire departments.
Chamber executive director Liz Smith said the board met Thursday and made the decision because the police and fire department's work is "essential" to our communities.
"It's important for us to support our police and fire departments," Smith said. "Their work is vital to our community's economic development."
The effectiveness of the personnel of the police and fire departments can be a factor in recruiting new industries and businesses, as well as residents to the area, Smith said.
The crime rate, public safety officials, insurance rates, are all considered when an industry is considering located here, she added.
"Adequate staffing and equipment is the key to providing those essential services," Smith said of the two public safety departments. "It's important that we maintain that level of funding for those departments. We urge all businesses to support the tax. We think it's essential."