Mary Elizabeth Chafin
(Obituary ~ 08/15/14)
Mary Elizabeth Chafin, 86, of Jonesboro, died Thursday, Aug. 14, 2014, in Jonesboro.
"Buddy" Charles O. Nelson
(Obituary ~ 08/15/14)
"Buddy" Charles O. Nelson, 79, of Blytheville, passed from this life on Aug. 13, 2014, at the Gosnell Health Care Center in Gosnell.
Blytheville teen shot; juvenile in custody
(Local News ~ 08/15/14)
A 16-year-old Blytheville resident was transported to The Regional Medical Center in Memphis Thursday evening after suffering a gunshot wound to the hip.
School supply drive called a success
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/15/14)
Farmers Bank and Trust Co. would like to extend our sincere appreciation for donations and supplies given during our annual back-to-school drive which benefits The Haven and the Mississippi County Foster Children Program. There are many needs in our community. It is very heartening to see so many in the community come forward in this area to make the return to school a little less stressful...
Shemwell speaks with Lions
(Community News ~ 08/15/14)
Arkansas Northeastern College President Dr. Jim Shemwell recently visited the Blytheville Lions Club to discuss plans for the college's new Center for Allied Technologies. Shemwell, who is also a member of the steering committee promoting a new sales tax for the Mississippi County Hospital System, also hosted a question-and-answer session regarding the upcoming tax election. Pictured are (from left) Lion President Mike Davis, Shemwell and Lion Ben Hubbard...
Kiwanians get history lesson
(Community News ~ 08/15/14)
Jan Sinclair, secretary of the Blytheville Kiwanis Club, provided a glimpse of the club's history on Aug. 13 at the club's meeting. Sinclair said the Kiwanis Club was founded in Detroit on Jan. 21, 1915. John R. Button is the Kiwanis International president, and the president-elect is Susan A. ...
No major injuries reported in shootout
(Local News ~ 08/15/14)
Police officers said no bystanders were injured in a shootout that occurred around 11:25 a.m. Friday on Lumerate Street in Blytheville.
Betty Jean Dunegan
(Obituary ~ 08/15/14)
Betty Jean Dunegan, 72, of Osceola, died Friday, Aug. 15, 2014, in Osceola.
Filing closes; heated election season on tap
(Local News ~ 08/15/14)
A heated local election season could be in the forecast, with contested mayoral and city council races now on the ballot in several of the county's municipalities.
Stories from Friday, August 15, 2014
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