Poinsett CountyMarch 11, 2025

The Poinsett County Quorum Court denied a private club permit for the Turell-Franks VFW Post in a 6-4 vote. Discussions also covered road maintenance, a gas bill issue, and passed ordinances on purchases and uniforms.

The Poinsett County Quorum Court voted 6-4 to deny the Turell-Franks Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4679 in filing an application for a Private Club permit at their monthly meeting this past Monday in Harrisburg. Voting for the permit were Justices Harold Blackwood, Steve Jernigan, Jordan Looney and Hunter Jones. Voting against the permit were Justices Donnie Taylor, Jerry Carter, Liz Schwarz, Diane Jones, Ronald Martin and Larry Fowler.

In old business, Trumann resident Cindy Wood spoke to the court about Liles Lane and Cash Road in Trumann. Wood said they have been graded and look good but more gravel is needed. Poinsett County Judge J.C. Carter said he will keep them graded. Wood asked about paving the roads and Judge Carter said it would cost $500,000 per half mile.

In new business, Poinsett County Sheriff Kevin Molder discussed the gas bill from Harrisburg Water and Gas. Molder said the situation has been resolved as there were no leaks detected and it was suggested the new expansion may have caused the high bill. The problem was found to be that the city did not know how to read the new meter. Tri-State from Memphis checked the meter and determined it was a misreading. There will be a credit in excess of $8,000 from January. Then the question was raised who would pay the bill for the testing. Justice Martin said the water and gas should pay all costs and Molder agreed. Harrisburg Gas and Water has been very cooperative and Molder said a total cost is being worked on. Molder said they scheduled to move into the 911 building on April 2 and the expansion at the detention center should be complete by the end of March.

Two ordinances were passed with the first being to allow purchases from John Stanford in which Poinsett County Treasurer Tammie Stanford may have a potential interest. The second ordinance was to amend the personnel policy to add a County Uniform Policy. Both passed with 10-0 votes.

Judge Carter told the court that the Building Committee will meet Friday, March 14 at 10 a.m. at the annex building. Carter also said the Health Department grant for $300,000 will be used for Harrisburg renovation. The court was also told the RFQ (request for quotes) will open this Thursday.
