OpinionJanuary 29, 2025

Why can’t we get along?

Why can’t we get along? When I say we, I mean families, friends, communities, leaders, churches and countries. It seems we are living in a world of discontent.

I understand people are different, and we don’t all share the same views on many topics but that is no excuse for bad behavior.

I wonder what ever happened to disagreeing without being disagreeable. Why can’t we discuss our differences without causing complete breakdowns and all out battles.

We all think our beliefs are the correct ones but we really can’t all be right on every topic. There may be more than one way to solve a problem.

Just because we disagree, we don’t have to be disrespectful to each other. Common courtesy seems to be a thing of the past.

We hear a lot about people demanding respect but really, that goes two ways. If you want respect, try giving respect.

I looked up the meaning of respect:

–Showing regard for someone’s ability and worth.

–Valuing the feelings of others and their views even if you don’t necessarily agree with them.

–Accepting people on an equal basis and giving them the same consideration you would expect for yourself.

It sounds so simple but evidently it is not.

I grew up in the era when we were taught respect in the home and in the school. I am old school and sometimes today’s observations make me worry. We would never have not stood on our feet and put our hand over our heart when the Pledge of the Allegiance was recited. If it was in school, at a ballgame, a meeting or anywhere else, we knew to respect that flag for what it stands for – freedom. I still get tears in my eyes when I hear the singing or playing of The Star-Spangled Banner.

I will say, the majority of the people still respect the flag and what it stands for but not as many as before. Respecting people’s feelings seems to be a thing of the past. I blame some of that on social media. People can get on social media and post awful things about others. If it is true or not true, the harm is done once the words start circulating.

I am not a member of the Rotary Club but each time I visit, I am impressed with the four way test recited at each meeting:

Of all the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the truth?

2. Is it fair to all concerned?

3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4. Will it benefit all concerned?

Every time I hear it, It reminds me we should be careful about what we say and what we repeat.

I do believe nothing good can come out of bickering, fighting, name calling and hatred. That is no solution. Like I said, we should be able to disagree without being so disagreeable.

Revis Blaylock is a writer for the NEA Town Courier. She may be reached by phone at 870-763-4461 or by email at revisb@neatowncourier.com.
