Nido Quien once said, “Change brings opportunity.”
Most of you are aware of the newspaper’s new website. You have felt the growing pains right along with the rest of us. The finished product, however, has been well worth the bruises. The website is more user friendly, more attractive, more timely, and much more informative.
Now, it’s time to “change” the actual design of the newspaper. You will notice a few of these changes this week. We have a new front page design which is hopefully more streamlined and represents our mission and commitment to the community of Blytheville and the surrounding areas.
You will notice a new type-style, which is hopefully easier to read. We will be using white space and larger photographs to create a product friendly to the eyes.
As most of you know, I love history and treasure its value to our future. With this in mind, the new look also includes a few elements true to the history of the Blytheville Courier News and Manila Town Crier.
Our main goal, as always, is to make you the reader our top priority.
This week marks the 40th anniversary of my move to Mississippi County. Young, straight out of college, I went to work as a reporter for the Courier News and moved into an adorable “shot gun” house on Kentucky Street. I quickly fell in love with the city and the county. But mostly I fell in love with the “people”. Over the years, you have shared your incredible “front porch” stories with me. I have shared your joys and cried with you over the loses.
I was told as a young child that the journey of a thousand miles really does begin with one step. We have taken that first step together many times over the past 40 years. This week’s changes is just one more first step.
So, take my hand and let’s continue this journey together.
Sandra Brand is the editor of the NEA Town Courier and The Osceola Times. She may be reached by phone at 870-563-2615 or by email at