NewsMarch 19, 2025

The Blytheville Police Report details various incidents, including harassment, trespassing, domestic disputes, theft, and drug possession. Significant cases involve charges of harassment, domestic battery, and possession of controlled substances.

3-6 – An unnamed female was charged with harassing communication. The victim said she had called her cell number over 60 times in just a couple of days. She has blocked her number but she continues to call.

3-7 – An officer responded to a call from 801 South Ruddle, regarding a breaking and entering. The officer made contact with the property manager who said it had been reported that a male had advised the gas company he lived in G Building. She notified the Blytheville police and changed the locks. When she returned later, the lock was bent and the door was unlocked. Photographs were taken of the damages. The officer searched the area where the unknown subject had been seen but was unable to make contact with the offender.

3-8 – Jasmine Nicole Stewart was charged with possession of an instrument of crime. Officers responded to a call from the Garden Inn in regard to criminal trespassing. The night manager told the officers that a room that had not been purchased had someone inside. Officers made contact with Tyron Mitchell and Stewart. Officers located a small glass smoking pipe with white residue and burn marks on it in a bag with Stewart’s ID card and more of her belongings. Both were advised they were trespassed from Garden Inn. Steward was charged with Possession of Instruments of Crime and was transported to the Mississippi County Sheriff’s office.

3-8 – An officer was dispatched to Cherry Street in reference to a female driving a car into a residence. When the officer arrived another officer was detaining two females. It was established that Miata McKinney was the one driving the vehicle when it went into the house but Myschalya Leachman was driving when the officer arrived. McKinney could not keep her balance, her eyes were bloodshot and her speech slurred. McKinney refused to take the breath test and was transported to MCSO and changed with public intoxication as well as the in-house FTA warrant. CID on call was notified.

3-8 – An unidentified person was charged with leaving the scene of an accident with property damage. The victim said he was traveling eastbound on East Main Street and was beginning to enter the overpass in front of Walmart when a car traveling westbound exited their lane and struck him in the back driver side quarter panel. Damage to the tail light, quarter panel, and tire was noticed. The victim pulled into a parking lot and called officers to the scene. The vehicle was described as a small passenger car with several different colors on it.

3-8 – An unidentified man was charged with domestic battery 3rd; endangering the welfare of a minor 2nd degree three times. The officer responded to a call at Cherry Street and found a male outside and a female inside with a bloody face and tee shirt. One of the minors said he had called 911.

3-8 – An online report was taken from a victim that said her car sticker from the license plate had been taken. She was told to file a police report.

3-9 – An unidentified man was charged with Battery 3rd Domestic Misdemeanor. An officer responded to Hollywood for a welfare concern. The caller advised a female had taken a lot of pills and on arrival the officer made contact with the caller. The caller said he had wanted the female to leave but she would not. It was established that she had taken only two pills, muscle relaxers.The officer observed her to be bleeding from the nose and had marks and bruising on her neck. The offender was taken into custody and transported to MCSO.

3-9 – An unidentified offender was charged with theft of property. The officer responded to Missouri Street and made contact with the victim. She said she had heard someone in her backyard. She observed two males wearing all black running down the alley. Her lawn mower had been taken and her 4-foot above ground swimming pool had been damaged. The pool had been torn down and was moving across the yard to the back fence. The house was placed on a house watch.

3-10 – An unidentified offender was charged with criminal mischief, 1st degree. An officer was dispatched to West Davis when a caller said it sounded like someone was inside of her residence. She said her boyfriend tried to get in but she did not let into the residence and then he began destroying her personal belongings. He destroyed two windows on her vehicle and a window of the house. The victim was notified of the affidavit process and said she would come to the police station the next morning.

3-10 – An officer responded to a call about an interference with custody issue. The officer was told by the mother she was trying to get her child from her son’s grandmother who has had the child for two or three years. Now that the mother was on her feet, she wanted her son back but had been refused. She told the officer she was willing to file interfering with child custody charges if she needs to. No charges have been filled at this time.

3-12 – Violation of domestic protection order charges on an unidentified person was made when officers were dispatched to a call from Hollywood. The caller said a male was causing a disturbance. He left on foot.

3-12 – John Chandler was charged with obstructing governmental operations. Chandler was a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped and gave a false identity that had warrants. The next day the officer was notified that Chandler had given the officer the wrong name. Chandler was issued a citation for obstructing governmental operations.

3-12 – Theft of property charges on an unnamed offender when a resident reported someone had stolen the doorbell camera and the camera in the carport. Screenshot of the last frame of the camera footage has been uploaded.

3-12 – Demond Cortez Moutry was charged with possession of a controlled substance. A traffic stop was made and Moutry said he did not have anything illegal in the vehicle. Due to the odor of marijuana from the vehicle he was asked if there were any firearms inside the vehicle. Moutry said he did not have anything on his person, nor had any weapons inside the vehicle. A search located a firearm underneath the driver-side seat and approximately 15 grams of marijuana in a plastic biggie inside the center console. Moutry was cited for possession of scheduled VI, carrying a weapon, and speeding. Narcotics and firearm were seized and logged into evidence.
