Writer takes issue with golf course commentary
To the editor:
I read an article Friday or Saturday where Mr. (David) Tennyson (Courier News publisher) had some things to say about Thunder Bayou (click here to read).If you have the time, I would like to rebut that article.
First, the article is written on hearsay and not fact. It bashed the course about green complexes not being filled in because of lack of funds and that Jeff Haskins always had them looking good. WRONG! The fact is even when his good buddy Mr. Haskins aerated the greens, we went through at least a week before they filled in. The reason for this is after the holes are punched and sand spread, you water the greens heavily. This is what makes the sand settle lower than ground level. It is not, and I repeat not, because of funding.
Mr. Tennyson would not even give the new greens superintendent the respect of publishing his name. His name is Dale Fender. It seems to me that if Mr. Tennyson wants to write something, he should at least do some research ... like actually go there and see for yourself instead of writing gossip.
And another thing ... about funding, the course is owned by the city, so if there is any lack of funds it would be the city's fault and not Thunder Bayou. Mr. Fender does more good for that course with many times less equipment and herbicides than Mr. Haskins ever had. That course, for you non-golfers, brings in many people from other states who read about it on the web or see the signs on the interstate and stop to play it. That means YOUR business gets customers that only shop here because of the course.
It's a shame your own Chamber of Commerce is so blind to the fact that the course and the ball/soccer complex are the only nice things around that offer areas of exercise and team sports. I have never read where the Chamber has even acknowledged the course exists.
Finally, for Mr. Tennyson, you call yourself an avid golfer? How many times have you played the course this year? Once, twice or maybe even four times? Wow, you sure are an avid golfer. Next time I hope you try to write something you actually know about instead of a totally biased piece. That course is good for this town whether you like it or not.