May 3, 2011

All activities scheduled at the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex have been canceled until at least Thursday, according to Blytheville Baseball Softball Booster board member Kenny Burge.

A truck and trailer makes its way down a flooded June Gosnell Drive Tuesday morning near the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex. With roads leading to and from the Sportsplex under water, Blytheville Baseball/Softball Booster board members have canceled all activities at the facility until Thursday at the earliest.
A truck and trailer makes its way down a flooded June Gosnell Drive Tuesday morning near the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex. With roads leading to and from the Sportsplex under water, Blytheville Baseball/Softball Booster board members have canceled all activities at the facility until Thursday at the earliest.

All activities scheduled at the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex have been canceled until at least Thursday, according to Blytheville Baseball Softball Booster board member Kenny Burge.

This includes all age groups for Cal Ripken and Junior Babe Ruth League games and practices, youth softball games and practices, Blytheville Chickasaw baseball and the 1A-3 East district softball tournament.

"The roads from the golf course all the way through the ball fields are under water," Burge said. "We're asking everyone to just stay away from the Sportsplex right now. Even if the sun comes out. There's just too much water out there right now. We're hoping to be ready to go by Thursday but we'll have to wait and see."

Burge said that the BBSB website, should be updated with the current situation today.
