September 25, 2009

A Utah-based candle company and their local representative are teaming up with Great River Medical Center to help encourage women to have a mammogram during October. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so For Every Home, a company that began in a Utah kitchen that has grown to one of the country's largest distributor of candles and other items, is providing a scented candle for each woman who receives a mammogram during October...

A Utah-based candle company and their local representative are teaming up with Great River Medical Center to help encourage women to have a mammogram during October.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so For Every Home, a company that began in a Utah kitchen that has grown to one of the country's largest distributor of candles and other items, is providing a scented candle for each woman who receives a mammogram during October.

Barbara Williams is the local For Every Home consultant. "One of our company's causes is breast cancer awareness," Williams said. To help accomplish this, the company gives hospitals in Utah special candles called "Hope for a Cure" to give to women receiving mammograms during October.

"This is such an inspirational program that we are going to promote it locally," Williams said.

For Every Home, Great River Medical Center and local sponsors have purchased the candles to be given to women receiving mammograms. Additional candles are available for sale, and all proceeds will go toward funding cancer research and improving the lives of breast cancer survivors.

Early detection is the key to surviving breast cancer, Williams said. "It is our hope that this candle will remind women to do monthly self exams and to schedule their mammogram for the next year."

Among the sponsors of the local program are Nucor-Yamato Steel, Day's Mens Store, Burge's Shoe Center, Redden Lawn Services, Hubbard and Hoke Furniture, GQ, Fondren Hardware, Upscale Resale, 3D, New York Store and Palace Ayers.

Donations are still being accepted for the program. To contribute, or find out more, call Williams at 623-8877.
