A special pictorial postmark cancellation honors Caraway's 100th birthday.
The first mail arrived in Caraway by train and it was placed on a stump (much larger than the one in the picture). The red, white and blue wooden flags mark the locations of the former Post Offices.
The Caraway United Stated Post Office was crowded with guests on Wednesday in recognition of its 100th anniversary.
The Riverside High School Band played for the celebration.
The mail train.
Guests and Post Office staff arrived on the "mail train" created by Melton Emery of Caraway. Pictured from left are: Mike Hart, senior plant manager; Chuck Hamilton, post office operations manager; Karen Vaughn, rural mail carrier for Caraway, and Postmaster Pam Poag.
Veterans raised the flag.
Riverside Choir sang several patriotic songs.
Caraway Mayor Barry Riley welcomed everyone.
Chuck Hamilton, post office operations manager, was guest speaker at the 100th celebration of Caraway Post Office.
Mike Hart, senior plant manager, was in Caraway for the 100th year celebration.
Caraway Postmaster Pam Poag and Senior Plant Manager Mike Hart, unveils the replica of the pictorial postmark.
Mayor Barry Riley presents a citation from the House of Representatives to Postmaster Pam Poag.
A special pictorial postmark cancellation honoring Caraway Post Office's 100 years was unveiled at the centennial ceremony. Pictured are, from left: Pam Poag, postmaster; Karen Vaughn, rural carrier; Chuck Hamilton, post office operations manager; Caraway Mayor Barry Riley; Mike Hart, senior plant manager; and Robert Jetts, Paragould postmaster.
One of the five former locations of the Caraway Post Office. Each was marked with a red, white and blue, wooden flag.
The decorated mail train and fireworks added to the 100th celebration of Caraway's Post Office.
Pictured are rural carrier Karen Vaughn, Mayor Barry Riley, and Postmaster Pam Poag.
One of the former Post Office locations in Caraway.
A birthday celebration has to have a cake.