Larry "Whiz" Davis honored with a reception
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Photos by Revis Blaylock
Larry "Whiz" Davis was honored with a reception in honor of his 17 years of service to the city of Manila. Davis served 17 years as city councilman. He also served 25 years as a constable.
Larry and Faye Davis.
Whiz and his daughter Dixie and grandchildren.
Friends and family came out in honor of Whiz Davis.
The Pilot's Association presented a portrait of Larry "Whiz" Davis and his airplane to hang at the new Manila Terminal Building.
Mayor Wayne Wagner applauds Whiz Davis for his years of dedicated service to the city of Manila.
Whiz and family.
Mayor Wagner presented Whiz with a portrait.
Councilman Linda Donovan on behalf of the city council presented Whiz Davis with a plaque for his 17 years of service.