Leachville's annual fireworks
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Photos by Christie Zolman
The Cave Dweller's eighth annual fireworks display was held at the Leachville City park on the Fourth of July. All ages enjoyed activities at the park before the fireworks at 9:11 p.m.
The Cave Dwellers would like to thank all those who made contributions to the annual Fourth of July celebration in the Leachville City Park. This year the Cave Dwellers were able to buy $6,500 work of fireworks for its annual display.
Hundreds gathered at the Leachville City Park to watch the eighth annual Cave Dwellers fireworks display. The show started at 9:11 p.m. and lasted 30 minutes.
Fireworks display went off starting at 9:11 p.m.
The Cave Dwellers would like to thank John Deere and others for contributing toys for the 10-years-old and younger toy giveaway.
Georgina Chavez won a bike and so did Baily Johnson during the event.
Bentlee Klinger and Alyssa Massey won $20 during the toy prize drawing. Other prize winners were Taylor Benham, Jose Cortez, Kyleen Ruiz, Austin Peterson, Jaiclence Chambers, Max Shipley, Amara Davis, Michael Pyburn, Harold Watkins and Brayden Shephard.
Donald "Ducky" Smith kept the giant slip and slide going during the event making kids very happy. It was perfect weather as kids played and adults walked while enjoying music played by Terry Darby.
The giant slip and slide was a welcome addition to the Leachville Fourth of July activities.
Jana Evans and Katherine Clowers ran the snack wagon all day Fourth of July at the city park. The proceeds from the snack wagon go to help pay for next year's Cave Dweller's firework event. The two ladies would like to thank Farmers Market and the Frontier restaurant for donating food to the wagon.
Kids rushed over to sign up for the prize drawing. Sign ups ended at 8:30 then winners were drawn at random.
Kids enjoyed free Popsicles given away by the Cave Dwellers.