BIC's Taylor McKuin signs with CRC
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Taylor McKuin, a senior BIC Lady Mustang, signed a letter of intent to play basketball at CRC.
BIC Senior Tayor McKuin signs letter of intent to play basketball at Crowley's Ridge college. Pictured with McKuin are, from left: sister Rachel, mother Dana, Taylor, dad Brandon and CRC Coach Tye Clothier.
Taylor smiles for the camera with her high school coach Stan Fowler.
Taylor is honored with a reception following the signing.
Homemade cakes in honor of Taylor were served at the signing reception.
Taylor wears the Lady Mustang #14.
Taylor is looking forward to playing with the CRC Pioneers
Taylor and her teammates.
Taylor and her mother share a moment during the signing.
Taylor McKuin expresses her appreciation to her friends, family, teamamtes and coaches.
Young fans at BIC cheered Taylor on at the signing ceremony.
It was Taylor McKuin day at BIC
Pictured are Taylor with her parents and CRC Coach Tye Clothier.