Big Lake Chili Cook-off
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Photos by Revis Blaylock
The 27th annual Big Lake Chili cook-off was held on Saturday,Oct. 5. it is sponsored by the Manila Lions Club.
Testing the chili
Almost ready
Cotton Candy goes good with chili.
Good day for chili.
Craft booths joined the chili cookers for the 27th annual event.
Chili and drawings
Chili is ready.
Future Educators participate in the chili cook-off.
Chili at its best
Manila Senior Citizens participated in the Chili Cook-off
Almost ready.
Southern Bancorp won showmanship award.
Candidates were on hand at the chili cook-off.
The fire department shared safety tips.
Chili for all.
At the chili cook-off.
Razorback chili fans
First Baptist Church group.
Games for all.
Craft booths, bake sales and chili booths made for a good day.
Rex was on hand at the chili cook-off to remind everyone to recyle at the new trailer placed at the Manila Fire Department.
4-H bake sale.
Visiting with the crowd.
Inflatables were popular throughout the day
Entertainment at the bandstand was coordinated by Joe Chipman.
Nice bird.
The petting zoo.
Chili team from the Leo Club.
Serving chili with a smile.
The American Legion team won second place
Manila FFA Team won third place.
Third place in the junior division.
Second place in the junior division.
Grandma's recipe and Leo group won first place in the junior division.
Southern Bancorp won showmanship.
Manila Boy Scouts won People's Choice
Judy Hampton was one of the entertainers for the day.
Tommy Morries sang and played at the Chili Cook-off.
Drawings for a 50/50 was held.
Bank team has a 100 percent participation record for the annual Chili Cook-off.
Enjoying the chili.
Blake Carr won first place with his chili.
Trick or treat.