Lost Cane, Little River, Whistleville, Roseland Reunion held
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Photos by Revis Blaylock
The 14th annual Lost Cane, Little River, Whistleville, and Roseland Reunion was held Sept. 28 with over 125 attending.
The 14th reunion was held Saturday, Sept. 28.
Boyd Estes welcomed everyone to the reunion.
Getting ready to serve lunch
Friends, C.W. gully, former Lost Cane teacher, and Jack Lewis share a little time.
Friends enjoy visiting at the annual reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Gully, retired teachers, recently celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary.
Thelma Statler Gulley,visits with former student, Clyde Tatum.
The younger generation enjoyed the memory table filled with pictures and articles of Lost Cane and the surrounding community.
The annual reunion brings back lots of memories.
Catching up.
Friends enjoy a smile together.
The reunion makes a great day for reminiscing.
Serving doughnuts and coffee during the morning as friends and family gathered.
Volunteers welcomed visitors throughout the morning.
Getting ready for lunch.
Lee Wigginton expressed his appreciation to everyone who attends the reunion.
Jerry Pate thanked Boyd Estes for organizing the reunion.
A plaque of appreciation was presented to Boyd Estes.
A cedar birdhouse was one of the door prizes given away at the reunion.