Easter Bunny visits Buffalo Island
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Courtesy photos by Linda Simpson and Southern Bank and Town Cirer photos by Yvonne Hernandez
Adams Vines Foundation at the Adams Estate in Leachville, the city of Caraway, the city of Lake City, and Southern Bank were among the hosts for Easter egg hunts, prizes, and fun for children across Buffalo Island.
Where did we put the eggs?
Let the hunt begin.
Patiently waiting to hunt eggs.
So many prizes.
Refreshments were served.
All dressed up for Easter
Not wild about the Bunny
What a basket full.
The winners are....
The bicycle winner in the 3-4 age group at Lake City.
Smile for the camera.
Picking up the eggs.
Winners of the baskets at Caraway.
Hot dogs for the crowd at Caraway.
Ready to go.
Children joyed hunting eggs and visiting with the Easter Bunny.
Young people enjoyed visiting with the Easter Bunny before the hunt at Adams Estate in Leachville.
Is it a prize egg?
The prize table.
This young lady won the 8-12 Grand prize at Lake City.
Get ready, set, go...
The winner
Everyone loves the Easter Bunny
A smile for the camera.
Balloons, eggs, refreshments and fun were part of the Easter Egg Hunt in Leachville.
It was a clean sweep in less than two minutes.
This way to the hunt.
Baby's first Easter bunny visit
The Easter Bunny at Lake City.